No, these words are probably not those words, sorry!
But we did share many words in our latest High Reliability podcast with Dave Dagenais, Senior Director of Plant Operations, Clinical Engineering, Emergency Management, and Safety Officer at Wentworth Douglas Hospital in Dover, NH. We discuss the importance of advocacy and a positive leadership mindset in this far-ranging conversation, which eventually leads to some words that Dave says a leader should never say during meetings.
“The ability to communicate and have a can-do attitude, so you don’t come across as negative, is a skill that you have to have.”
With customers across all hospital departments, Dave says healthcare facility leaders must be able to articulate and communicate their vision to hospital customers.
“I cannot be a no person. I can’t say (to customers) ‘I can’t do that because we do not have enough people or money.’ Those words should be forbidden, and you should never be allowed to use them because I can tell you, if you are sitting in a meeting with people and you are coming across as a person who cannot get things done within the constraints that you have, they will find somebody who can, in my opinion.”
In case you missed it, the four words never to say in the meeting room or the board room: I can’t do that.
For more insight and career advice, download the entire podcast.
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G/MA Nuggets
1) We recently ran a two-part Cleaning out the Draw of our latest healthcare facility management thoughts and observations. You can read
and find links to the articles here…
2) Healthcare facility management careers ladders, white papers, and articles can all be found at the Gosselin/Martin Career Hub…..
3) We have recently filled many roles, check out our remaining