The latest episode of High Reliability welcomes Shay Rankhorn. Shay is the Vice President of Facilities Management at Quorum Health in Brentwood, TN. Shay has accountability over Biomed, Facilities, Real Estate, Construction, and Compliance for this 21 hospital system.
Shay is also the President of the American Society for Healthcare Engineering (ASHE), a position he will hold until January 1, 2023.
In a wide-ranging podcast that discusses Shay’s ASHE leadership, his transformative personal journey, and his thoughts on the future of healthcare facilities management, Shay and I also discuss the hiring process and passion, and how he seeks to determine passion in those he hires:
Well, I’m not sure I always use the word passion, sometimes I call it drive. I’ve always said for years that if you can find me someone with drive and attention to detail, I can teach them everything they need to know about healthcare facilities management.
But those are 2 things that you either have it or you don’t, and that’s not (being) critical of those who don’t have it. But to be successful, as you said in healthcare facilities management, those 2 things (passion and drive) are key elements (to determine) as you start interviewing people.
You start asking questions about what they’ve accomplished and how they how accomplished it. As they begin to explain in detail, you get a sense from the timber of their voice and from their body language. That passion comes through when they talk about those things. It’s self-evident and that’s what you’re looking for, as opposed to somebody who talks to you in a monotone and says “yeah we accomplished this.” That’s not to say that there are not some people who don’t interview well but are still good at their job.
But if you’re really looking for that star, then you’re looking for that person that really wants to come out of their chair to get you to envision what it was that they were doing and how impactful it was to those around them.
Shay mentions “timber of their voice and coming out of the chair” when speaking about interviewing candidates. That’s the feedback we here at Gosselin/Martin will sometimes receive from our clients. It goes something like this……
Candidate X was really good. They answered the questions. They have the experience, but they didn’t have that intangible. They were just monotone, and I didn’t feel the ability to lead the team.
So the takeaway? Try to connect with folks through eye contact, voice variation, and non-verbal. Listen to this podcast to hear more of Shay’s thoughts on passion, speaking, and interviewing. The link is down below.
G/MA Nuggets
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