What is the employee market in industries other than healthcare facilities management? In this episode of High Reliability David Trask, National Director for ARC Facilities, discusses this question with us.
Through his national work with ARC, David brings a multi-faceted perspective to the healthcare FM world. He has worked with healthcare facilities clients, but also in education (higher education or K through 12), manufacturing, and professional sports.
Because we are healthcare facilities management centric at Gosselin/Martin Associates, I asked David to compare and contrast the healthcare employee market to other industries he is familiar with.
There’s a lot of movement between different healthcare organizations and often, everybody in their own backyard is fighting for the same people. With the current labor market the way it is, I’ve heard (employment) horror stories.
Everybody’s fighting for the limited pool of people out there. But I think the other underlying problem here, and I preach this all the time, is there are not enough younger folks coming into the trades to backfill what’s going out (employment-wise). There just aren’t. I’m going to date myself a little bit here, but for my whole life, it was pounded into my head to get a 4-year degree, or you’re not going to be successful.
Okay, it’s pounded in everybody’s head. But not all people are not meant to get a 4-year degree, and there’s nothing wrong with that. You can have a successful career and make good money (without a degree). You can have a long happy life in the trades.
Hear more of the episode titled “You can’t know everything” here.
My thanks to David for his time. To learn more about ARC Solutions, see https://www.arcfacilities.com
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