High Reliability welcomes Oluyemi Oshinowo to the podcast. Oluyemi is the Healthcare Facility Manager at the Marcelle Ruth Cancer Centre and Specialist Hospital in Lagos, Nigeria. Oluyemi becomes our first healthcare FM guest from the Continent of Africa.

The Marcelle Ruth Cancer Centre and Specialist Hospital provides Nigeria’s first world-class, one-stop centre for the comprehensive treatment of cancer and specialist conditions. Marcelle Ruth was opened to provide easily accessible, world-class cancer treatment. Built on Victoria Island, Lagos, they offer high standards of care with the latest treatments and technology.

Oluyemi’s career path did not begin in healthcare. Instead, he describes how the seeds of his healthcare career started to grow in the early 2000s when his dad was a hospital patient.

Before he passed, my dad was in the hospital quite a bit, and I was with him. I looked at the way the cleaners did their thing, the way the doctors did their thing, the way the maintenance crew did theirs. I would watch and in my mind, I was thinking, I can do better, I need to create a change in this space. So when the opportunity came (at Marcelle Ruth), I was ready for it. For me, to change careers was not something that was difficult because what makes me happy is to provide solutions. You have to be prepared. I want to create a change in healthcare, and with my engineering background, I was able.

Based on the multitude of healthcare FM professionals we have talked to over the years, we would bet that Oluyemi’s path is familiar to many of our High Reliability listeners.

Other topics discussed include:

  • The genesis of the Marcelle Ruth Cancer Centre & Specialist Hospital, and some background on Lagos and local care;
  • Career paths, and making the move to healthcare facilities management (18:00);
  • Creating change and learning (28:00);
  • On facing challenges (50:00);

Thanks to Oluyemi for appearing on the podcast.

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Further information on Nigeria

Below please find links to topics discussed:

Marcelle Ruth Hospital
Oleyumi mentions Shea Butter and pounded yam, see more here


Healthcare FM Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

We are working with Griffin Hospital to fill their Director of Facilities role; please see here for a full jobs listing.

We anticipate several new jobs to roll out within the next week or so on our site, including at least one Vice President opportunity. So please check back in for the latest.