Q: What is the Career Hub?
The Career Hub is an integrated approach to personal career development. Developed by and utilizing Gosselin/Martin Associates healthcare facilities management thought leadership, the Career Hub provides a full range of services to its members. Unlike most Chapter programs, which are technical in nature, the Career Hub focuses directly on the individual and their career.
Q: What services does the Career Hub offer?
- Resume Review and Assistance:
We will review the member’s resume with them and provide specific written feedback and guidance, recommending quantifiable actions to improve their resume. We will work with the member through the iterative resume review process to finalization. - Level Setting/Career Discussions:
Conducted formally once per year during contract term. Conversation occurs between Gosselin/Martin and the Career Hub member. We will discuss the employee’s goals and career alignment within their organization, and develop a strategic career plan. - High Reliability Education:
Two options:- a) Lunch and Learns: Minimally, four (4) times per year we will host member only Zoom programs, deeper dives, based on our High Reliability podcasts. Gosselin/Martin will also provide additional relevant and timely topics specific to healthcare facilities management discipline. Member only Open Forums will also occur yearly.
- b) If the Chapter desires, Gosselin/Martin will conduct an in-person, 1 day seminar at the yearly Chapter meeting. If requested, we can also provide onsite, in-person career counseling or resume assistance at the Chapter meeting.
- Personalized career guidance:
Mentoring and counseling throughout the membership term is ongoing, via email, Zoom, or phone. Do you have a salary question? Have an upcoming interview and want to prepare? Want to talk about the proper length for an employment stay? We are available to discuss and consult with you on your most pressing career needs. - Access to passive connections:
Gosselin/Martin Associates works in the industry daily and interacts with hospitals, systems, Human Resources departments, C-Level leadership, and facility management professionals. The Gosselin/Martin Associates Career Hub membership network is composed of healthcare industry professionals.
Q: Why the Career Hub for Chapters?
- Industry focuses on technical education, not personal career development;
- Career Hub fills a need that is not met, future career opportunities look to be abundant;
- Additional benefit for Chapter members: By virtue of the Chapter’s membership, members have access to the Career Hub. This subscription provides Chapter members access to the Career Hub, at no charge to the member.
A Chapter purchases a subscription to the Career Hub.